Sunday, 30 October 2011

Weekly Gig Guide 31 Oct - 6 Nov

Posted by Ashley Brown
Cape Town Music Scene, now keeping you up to date with our Weekly Gig Guide
Get YOUR event on our here by emailing us at


No events posted yet!


Please let us know what you think about our new Weekly Gig Guide
Email us at to feature in our next gig guide!

Yesterday's Pupil interview

Yesterday's Pupil / Peach van Pletzen

Yesterday’s Pupil, how would you like people to describe what Yesterday’s Pupil was in the far off future looking back?
If people remember YP in the far off future that alone will make me happy.  I want people to remember the music as being honest and sincere, I would like people to form a personal connection to my music and remember how it made them feel.  I love music that stirs something within me and I hope to do that for other people.

In your Shameless-Self-Promo Clip you said that the new album will be released in parts, Part 1 being launched 1 November 2011, what can we expect of the new album?
Better production and better songs.  This album is way more vocal than the previous one and I also concentrated more on the lyrics.  Each song has its own story and I am proud  of each one.  The album is very diverse, there are hard songs and the are some soft ones as well, it doesn't stick to any one genre.  Each song is its own unique little surprise package.

How many songs will be released with Singularity (Part 1)?
1 Nov 2011... download the Part 1 package, there will be more than just music in it :)

What is the most absurd thing you ever heard of yourself in the media?
That Christina Storm and I are in a relationship... absurd!

What was your childhood dream?
To make a success of whatever it is I land up doing and if not to be happy as a failure... ok more seriously though, I have always had a desire to make a difference or impact on other people's lives in one way or another through creativity and art... Other artists did that for me and still does on a daily basis and it is truly a powerful thing.  Certain songs just have the ability to move people, everyone in their own unique way and that is awesome!

Yesterday’s Pupil, Bittereinder, Kidofdoom, Oorlog Frankenstein, collaborations with Tumi, and producing. How do you do it?
I really don't know, I think my love for it is so strong that it gives me the strength to keep going and to keep creating.  Don't be fooled though it is not always easy, I get stressed out and fall into periods of creative blocks and all the usual shit, we live in a really fast paced world and sometimes one must just step out a bit and get some perspective, do something simple and primal, that is very important... I have been burnt out before and it is pretty damn kak!  So nowadays I am trying to maintain a balance, spend some time on the little things, you know, just step out of the singularity and be alone for a while.

Give us an idea of a “normal” day in the shoes of Peach van Pletzen:
Wake up at about 7:30, 8ish.  Do some E-mails and admin, there is A LOT of admin in this industry.  Get some coffee and breakfast and hit the studio, I like mixing early in the day as your ears are still fresh from a nice quiet night's sleep, rested ears are important if you want to get a nice mix.  Then usually I'm off to a rehearsal for 3-4hours, back to office for more admin.  Shower, pack gear in the van, go to sound check, check sound, get dinner, back to venue and do the gig, pack up, have a few beers and go home and sleep.  That sounds about right, but it differs a lot depending on what I am working and focusing on at the time.

Do you have any other hobbies besides music?
I love taking pictures!  I take my little Canon G12 everywhere and I take great joy in tweaking and taking shots... it is really a nice camera.  I enjoy it as it is something I can do purely for fun but still get to be creative.

You have one of the best ears for music. What tips would you give someone starting in the recording industry of South Africa?
Hahaha, thanks for that! :)  Take care of your ears.  Take your time in learning, but learn something new everyday, if you rush the process you will miss certain things.  You will keep learning till the day you die.
Don't get caught up in too many plug-ins and toys, get the basics and master them and focus on the music rather than the fancy plugs and toys.  SIMPLICITY IS KEY!  Don't ever follow any scene, and never let a scene affect the way you make music, do what you love, don't imitate, create!

Listening to the song Too tired to Disco it comes across Yesterday’s Pupil has changed a bit from the last album, is it safe to assume that the new album has a whole new feel  than the first one?
Yes it will be much different, but don't let "too tired to disco" fool you.  That is just one song on the album and there is no other song on the record like it.  Too tired to disco is also the most poppy tune on the album.  There are some big songs on this album.  I can't wait to share it with the world!  People must just listen and form their own opinions, good or bad, whatever, just an opinion, but your own one.

In Too tired to Disco’s music video we see you waking up looking at a box robot, taking photos with it and holding its hand. Mind explaining the idea behind the video you made with Louis Minnaar?
Its like a coming of age story, it plays off in two different time periods.  The present and the past.  The dude in the present is longing back at something from the past, in a way he prefers the "old" him from a few years back... almost as though he has lost something along way, a piece of himself.  I think it really works with the lyrics.  The video is open for people to see it however they please, I am very happy with how it turned out and it was a super fun shoot!
The girl robot could be symbolic of technology and humans feeding off one another or it could be an imaginary friend of his, the dude could be a freak for all we know but the important thing is that people must be able to relate to him on some level...I hope...

When will Yesterday’s Pupil be visiting Cape Town?
I just got back from CPT, I played at Assembly last night at the halloween party, but I will be back soon!

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Album omslag en snitlys bekend gemaak:

Foto:  Jaco S. Venter
Bo: Jedd Kossew (kitaar), Jason Oosthuizen (tromme)
Onder: Francois van Coke (sang en kitaar), Wynand Myburgh (baskitaar)

Van Coke Kartel se vierdie album, Wie’s Bang, word einde November 2011 deur Supra Familias uitgereik.  Die album ontwerp is gedoen deur Merwe Marchand le Roux.

Snitlys en Van Coke Kartel se beskrywings:

Dis 'n Land:
“Ons het die eerste lyn van die koor geleen by Carike Keuzenkamp se klassieke liedjie, “dis 'n land van kleure en klank”.  Dit is ons land.”

Nou Of Nooit:
“Dit is 'n harde rock tune met 'n bietjie van 'n punk invloed.  Dit is Francois se gunsteling op die album. Jason se dreunende dromme hardloop van begin tot einde. Die tune vra maar net of daar iets eg in die wêreld oor is.''

Dankie, Ek is veilig hier:
“'n Rustige song wat net werk.  Dit gaan oor geld en die tekort daaraan. Hy is een van ons gunstelinge.“

Vir Almal:
“Dit is een van die hardste songs op Wie’s Bang en die tweede snit wat Van Coke Kartel geskryf het as die nuwe eenheid.  Vir Almal is vervaardig deur Peach van Pletzen by B Sharp Studios.  Hierdie snit slaan ‘n harde hou wat aangevuur word deur Francois se kragtige vocals. 
Vir Almal is gratis beskikbaar by en is 7 000 keer binne die eerste 24 uur nadat die snit beskikbaar gestel is, afgelaai.”

Tot die son uitkom:
“Dit is ons eerste regte rock ballade.  Jedd het met ‘n klassieke, sagte kitaar riff opgekom.  In een middag het Francois en Jedd een van Van Coke Kartel se sterkste singles ooit gekomponeer.  Verbeel jou Stairway to Heaven ontmoet Afrikaans.”

Einde Van Die Wêreld:
“Ons het die meeste tyd in pre-produksie op hierdie song spandeer.  Dit het deur verskeie fases gegaan voor ons by die finale weergawe uitgekom het.  Dis ‘n sagter rock tune met ‘n treffende koor:  ''Ons sal altyd die einde vrees, dit gaan die einde van die wêreld wees''.  Die song het ‘n onheilspellende ondertoon en met hierdie lirieke gee dit ‘n apokaliptiese gevoel.”

“Francois het hierdie song begin skryf na 'n kommentaar op Mahala wat gesê het dit sal beter wees as hy dood was.  Dit was seker nie regtig 'n doodsdreigement nie, maar defnitief iets om oor te dink."

Moenie Dink Nie:
“ ’Moenie dink nie, moet ook nie te veel nuus kyk nie.'  Dit is ons sarkastiese uitkyk oor die situasie in ons land en die eindtye.”

“Nevermind het 'n folky geur.  Al ons vriende van Bellville (aKING, Die Heuwels Fantasties en Fokofpolisiekar), sing saam op hierdie een.”

Chaos (met Jack Parow):
“Hierdie song handel oor hoe chaoties die wêreld op die oomblik voorkom.  Jack rap in die koor en in die middelste deel.”

Brein Verloor:
“Dit is ‘n New Age grunge song.  Dit is die eenvoudigste snit ooit met ‘n hoeklyn in die koor: 'Ek wil my brein verloor'.”

Wie's Bang:
“Dit is die eerste song wat ons saam geskryf het as die ‘nuwe en offisiële vierstuk Van Coke Kartel’.  Voorheen het Francois en Wynand al die songs geskryf.  Die titelsnit vat die tema van die album saam:  die einde van die wêreld is naby.  Die universele fenomeen rondom 21-12-12 beïnvloed baie van Francois se lirieke op die album.”

Volgens Getuies:
“Die tune handel oor die feit dat almal deur tegnologie aanmekaar gebind en beïnvloed word.”

Siener (met Zebra and Giraffe):
“Hierdie sou ons eerste oorspronlike Engelse song wees, maar na vele probeerslae het ons besluit om te bly by wat ons ken en in goed is.  Ons het die ‘Haal Asem Kwagga Toer’ saam met Zebra & Giraffe gedoen en ons het besluit dat Greg Carlin die Engelse lirieke moet skryf.  Dit is ‘n baie goeie vermenging van Van Coke Kartel en Zebra & Giraffe se klank.

Twee van die snitte sal saam met ander eksklusiewe Van Coke Kartel-inhoud beskikbaar gemaak word by  Van Coke Kartel-inhoud sal teen middel November beskikbaar wees by hierdie skakel en sodra die album uit is sal die publiek kan aansluit om toegang te kry tot eksklusiewe inhoud.

Meer oor Airborne:

Airborne is ‘n herkonseptualisering van die musiekindustry.  In ‘n industrie wat vol is van platemaatskappye, uitgewers, verspreiders, winkels en vele ander entiteite, kyk Airborne na die twee mees belangrikste spelers:  die kunstenaar en die fan. 
Musiekverkope is tans besig om te daal.  Die roof en onwettige duplisering van musiek, of dit as ‘n goeie of slegte ding beskou word, het die gesig van die musieklandskap heeltemal verander.  Hoewel die kunstenaar se musiek geroof en gedeel word, glo Airborne dat die kunstenaar self en die konneksie tussen hulle en die fans nie geroof kan word nie.
Fans sal ‘n maandelikse fooi van $1 betaal om ‘n Draer (Carrier) te word.  Draers sal in staat wees om verskeie onuitgereikte liedjies, B-sides, live shows en nog inhoud gratis te kry.

Click op die link om te sien wat Airborne is:

Monday, 24 October 2011

Battle of the Bands - Paarl De Ville FINAL

Posted by: Ashley Brown
Paarl de Ville, situated between Durbanville and Paarl, is hosting Battle of the Bands - Paarl De Ville - Final this Saterday!

Big prizes up for grabs for the winner of Battle of the Bands - Paarl De Ville:

  • 5 Track EP recording at Coffee Stained Vinyl Studios (Teejay of New Holland) -
  • 1/2 price recording for all other bands in the competition at Coffee Stained Vinyl Studios
  • Photo shoot, logo design, EP Cover design, tshirt design by Vetman design and photography
  • 3 track demo recording at MaxAd Music (and discount to other bands in the competition)
  • 3 track demo recording from Encore Music
  • Interview with Tygerburger
  • Interview with Cape Town Music Scene
  • Opening gig in Bohemia for one of the big name bands
  • R1000 worth of wine from Diemersdal Wine Estate
  • PR Contract from Pistol Star PR
  • Video Shoot from The Neon Kartel Pictures
  • Party bus trip sponsored by the venue, Paarl de Ville (plus discount to all other bands participating)
  • Photoshoot from Laura McCullagh
  • A meal from Paarl de Ville to each weeks winners

Congratulations to All My Circus Friends, The Mysticcs, The First Descent, VoortVlugtend & Fingers In The Sky for making it to the finals!

All My Circus Friends was founded by Lead guitarist, Alex La Cock and Vocalist Hannes Muller, both of whom grew up in the small town of Hermanus. After a few weeks of jamming, fellow Hermaniet, Licia Du Plessis joined them, taking on the role of the drummer as well as backing vocalist. The last, but certainly not least member Jayme Van Tonder joined the band and she added her great bass as well as violin skills.

After months of sitting in the jam room and culminating each musician’s unique style, the band through it into a blender and out came… All My Circus Friends.
A truly unique rock experience, with a fresh sound that will take you on a never ending journey of pure bliss.

EJ - Vocals & Guitar
Alex - Lead Guitar
Jayme - Violin & Bass
Licia - Drums & Backing Vox

The Mysticcs is a 3-piece Blues Rock band based in Cape Town, South Africa and was formed in March 2011. In a short period of time, The Mysticcs have received a very positive response from a variety of audiences in and around Cape Town. the band has won the 2011 Niva King of the stage and recently signed a record deal with Niva Records Their style and sound is driven by Blues Rock with a modern edge to it,

Mo Jones
Dean dk Roberts
Ebi Johnstone

The First Descent is an Independent Cape Town based Power Rock band made up of the members: Evan Strauss, Adrian Fowler, Bruce McDougall and Michael Pole. The First Descent was conceived in early 2008 (originally under the name BlueSkyFriday), but as influences and members changed, the band developed into what it is today. The ethos of the band is a powerful and dedicated one, with a strong bond shared between the musicians as people.

The First Descent name was derived from the idea that there comes a time in everybody’s life where they just need to close their eyes, look inside themselves and descend into regions of their inner being that they have not discovered before. This process of self-reflection is evident when viewing a live show as passion drips from every performance. The lyrical themes are Nostalgia, Self-Reflection and Belief.

Evan Strauss - Guitar, Vox
Adrian Fowler - Drums, Vox
Bruce McDougall - Bass
Michael Pole - Guitar

VoortVlugtend het ontstaan vanuit die classic rock cover band, The RetroSpecs en original Afrikaanse band Dit Kaptein.

Toe oorspronklike drummer Ruan "Sally" Muller oorlede is aan varkgriep, is The RetroSpecs herdoop na President Sally. Na 'n paar tribute gigs is daar besluit om op oorspronklike afrikaanse materiaal te fokus. 

Gerhardt Claassen (guitar, vocals)
Ruben Swart (drums, vocals)
Marius Hartzenberg (bass, vocals)
Hannes Coetzee (guitar)

Fingers In The Sky. No elaborate genre description, and no pedantic musical fusion talk. Fortunately, no long winded biography either, and no recollection of or reference to some sensationalized idea of rock-and-roll. No pretenses. We honestly just make music. Lots of it.

Wilton Schereka - Drums, Djembe and percussion
Andriques du Che - Lead Vocals. Guitar.
Leigh Bester - Bass. Guitar. Vocals.
Aidan Erasmus - Guitar. Harmonica. Vocals.

Photography: Gino Urbanski

For all these photos and more please visit Gino Urbanski

084 2998 458
072 2200 432

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Weekly Gig Guide 24 Oct - 30 Oct

Posted by Ashley Brown
Cape Town Music Scene, now keeping you up to date with our Weekly Gig Guide
Get YOUR event on our here by emailing:



Babers Cat at The New Obs Cafe with The Hellfire Blues Club
aKING Halloween Show at Assembly Cape Town
Francois Van Coke LIVE at The Rabbit Hole Durbanville
Halloween - The Haunting of City Hall Cape Town
The Halloween Slaughter II at The Purple Turtle Cape Town
Swing, Jazz, Burlesque & Elektro Swing at Club Voom Voom 1st Anniversary!
Cape Audio College - Live and Direct, Halloween Special at Zula Bar Cape Town
Dia De Los Muertos at The Jolly Rogers
Paarl de Ville Battle of the Bands - FINAL!
Natasha Meister Band at Hartenberg Wine Estate
Halloween Party at Buckleys with Firefly
Halloween Freak Show at Nu'Bar Stellenbosch
"Swing, Jazz & Electro Swing" - Voom Voom at Boo Radley's
Leyton Lee, Jamie Saint, Josh Borrill & Tariq Khan at The Fez Club
Sailor Jerry Presents: Freakshow at Mercury

No events posted yet!

Please let us know what you think about our new Weekly Gig Guide
Email us at to feature in our next gig guide!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Kings Of Leon fever!

Posted by: Ashley Brown

So many of us here in Cape Town are excited for the Kings Of Leon show this coming Wednesday 26 Oct 2011, including me. Kings of Leon was one of the first rock bands I listened to. These days kids only know Sex On Fire and Use Somebody, that's why we are giving you a little update on what you should know about Kings of Leon!

Talihina Sky: The Story of Kings of Leon:

Talihina Sky: The Story of Kings of Leon is now available for pre-order. The documentary is available in both standard DVD and Blu Ray as well as digitally via iTunes. The DVD and Blu Ray editions will come with 30 minutes of bonus features including additional scenes not included in the film, two commentaries from the band and filmmakers as well as home-movie footage. 

When three teenaged brothers and their cousin rebelled against their strict, religious Southern upbringing to form Kings of Leon, their humble backstory garnered almost as much attention as their music. Many questioned if they were really related and if rumors of their father being a Pentecostal preacher were true. Since then, the band has achieved worldwide, Grammy® Award-winning success and Talihina Sky: The Story of Kings of Leon lies to rest the mystery and myths as it details the rise to fame from their bible belt beginnings. 

The documentary kicks off at the annual Followill family reunion in the back woods of Talihina, OK, where the boys return to their roots and unwind with their family. First-time director and Followill friend Stephen C. Mitchell weaves personal home videos, unedited interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of the band’s journey from their small-town beginnings -- spent in poverty and touring the circuit with their father, a Pentecostal evangelist minister, and their devout mother -- to living the rock star dream. 

You can pre-order the documentary now at the official Kings of Leon store*

*Info on Talihina Sky quoted from

KOL Facts:

Studio albums
Youth and Young Manhood (2003)
Aha Shake Heartbreak (2004/2005)
Because of the Times (2007)
Only By The Night (2008)

EP and live albums
Holy Roller Novocaine EP (2003)
What I Saw (2003)
Day Old Belgian Blues (2006)

Members of the band are:
Caleb Followill (rhythm guitar/lead vocals)
Matthew Followill (lead guitar/Piano/backup vocals)
Jared Followill (Synthesizer/bass guitar/backup vocals)
Nathan Followill (drums/percussion/backup vocals

Kings of Leon - Charmer

Kings of Leon - Molly's Chambers
Kings of Leon - King Of The Rodeo

Friday, 21 October 2011

Coldplay's Paradise music video shot in SA!

Coldplay shot the music video for their latest track, “Paradise”, while on tour in South Africa and here it is.

Coldplay chose to shoot the video here in South Africa, because they saw it as Paradise. Live video from the tour was also used, check if you can spot yourself in the crowed! 

Shot in and around Cape Town and the Klein Karoo, the Mat Whitecross directed music video sees Chris Martin dressed in an elephant costume and escaping from a zoo in London because he so misses the rest of Coldplay. Chris Martin uses various modes of transportation including a unicycle until he finds his way to “Paradise” right here in Cape Town with his fellow band mates.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Chris Chameleon at Cultivaria Festival

New Ingrid Jonker musical theatre production: “Klank van jou Oë”  - with special guest performers The Solms Delta Soetstemme.

Saturday 29 October: 19h00.
Venue: Paarl Monument Amphitheatre.
Tickets: R100 – R160.
Book at Computicket.

Chris Chameleon's first presentation of his new Ingrid Jonker musical theatre production of “Klank van Jou Oë”  received welcoming praise at Aardklop 2011.

The performances were very well attended and “Klank van jou Oë” was nominated  for two Aardklop Awards:  Beeld Aartvark-Award  for groundbreaking work and the Clover Soveel Beter-Award for best presentation.

Chris Chameleon`s two Ingrid Jonker  albums, ‘Ek Herhaal Jou' and 'As Jy Weer Skryf', has made Ingrid Jonker accessible to the general public and has renewed the attention on her exceptional work . In “Klank Van Jou Oë”  Chris Chameleon teams up with Adriaan Brand (Springbok Nude Girls) and Riaan van Rensburg (Noot vir Noot) to tell the story of Ingrid Jonker.  This production delight the ears with her magical words and the beautiful music inspires as never before.

Chris says that this production is completely different than anything he has done before, “There is almost no humor in the production. Between songs I talk about things she would have said, as if she is speaking the words herself.”

Feedback from fans that attended the show at Aardkop complimented “Klank van Jou Oë”  as one of the best productions thatChris Chameleon has ever done.

Good news for those living in the Western Cape area:  “Klank van Jou Oë” will be showcased on Saturday, 29 October at the Cultivaria Festival in Paarl. The Solms-Delta Soetstemme will be special guest performers at this particular show.

The Solms Delta Soetstemme is the heart warming pride and joy of Solms-Delta’s Music van de Caab project. At the Cultivaria Festival, they will be joining Chris Chameleon on stage for a rendition of his song versions for the Ingrid Jonker poems ‘Tokkelos’ and ‘Kabouterliefde’. The Soetstemme have been avid Chris Chameleon fans for quite some time, and are immensely excited at the prospect of performing with him. Word at grassroots has it that the Soetstemme have fallen completely in love with these songs while rehearsing them. This choir, although consisting primarily of women who work on Solms-Delta farm and surrounding area, have been turning heads during other musical collaborations too, including work with Coenie de Villiers and Die Heuwels Fantasties.”

Adriaan Brand, who is performing the current Ingrid Jonker theme run with Chris, also manages the Music van de Caab project. As such it was after a rehearsal on the farm, that Chris and the Soetstemme met each other and the beautiful idea of a collaboration was born.

Halloween The Haunting of City Hall

Notorious for their legendary Halloween dress up parties in the ancient surroundings of Capitol Theatre in Pretoria, Griet has come to Cape Town this year and teamed up with Your Friends to bring you the jewel in the crown of Halloween events: 


With over 100 dance events including Grietfest and the Pyramid & Dome stages at Ramfest under their belts, Griet are no stranger to hosting top quality events and with Your Friends, who've brought you acts such as Steve Aoki, The Bloody Beetroots, D.I.M & DJ Feadz, promise a night of world class entertainment with the latest in music, sound, lighting, visuals & production. Together Griet and Your Friends have produced memorable shows for the likes of Le Castle Vania (USA), Cyberpunkers (Italy), Saint Pauli (Germany), Pelussje (ITALY) Desmond & The Tutus, Haezer, P.H Fat, Kidofdoom, Lark & most recently Belzebass (ITALY) as well as many many more!


2 stages, 3 bars, scary massive sound! Frightening lighting! Prizes for best dressed girl and best dressed boy! Free Monster hampers, decor by Paul Grose of Afrika Burns, Fiddle East and Balkanology, Photo Booth by Dylan Culhane - come and get your portraits taken for free! More toilets and a bigger smoking area! 


Stereoheroes (FRANCE) 
HAEZER (last CT show for 2011) 
Tommy Gun


We-Are-Awesome Dj Set
Battle Beyond the Stars
and more to be announced! 


Tickets go on sale at 9am on Monday 17th October!

Skip the queue and buy your tickets online via WEBTICKETS!

- R60 online from Monday 17 October until midnight Wednesday 19 October.
- R80 online from Thursday 20 October until Monday 24 October.
- R100 online from Tuesday 25 October.
Tickets will also be on sale at the door on the night for R100 if you are dressed and R120  if you are NOT!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Weekly Gig Guide 17 Oct - 23 Oct

Posted by Ashley Brown
Cape Town Music Scene, now keeping you up to date with our Weekly Gig Guide
Get YOUR event on our here by emailing:


No events posted yet


S.Y.N.W 19/10/11


Please let us know what you think about our new Weekly Gig Guide
Email us at to feature in our next gig guide!