Thursday, 30 June 2011

CD Review : Macgyver Knife

A while back,  I did a blog post about the album launch of Macgyver Knife ( Macgyver Knife Album Launch). Shortly after the launch, I received a copy of the CD. Due to personal reasons , I was not really "into" listening to the CD at that time - I listened to it only for about a day. It was put aside, for later. I must say, from that first listen, I liked what I heard, but was not convinced.

About twee weeks ago, I started listening again. And again. And again. I liked what I heard more and more, and was more than convinced about it. My personal favorite track is "Mary Lou and the Guy" , and "Dark side of the Sun" and "Jaguar".  

"Jaguar" has a nice "live" sound to it, and overall I must say, the CD has a very unique sound. Not sure if I am correct on this, but I could hear the bass guitar much better on all the songs, than on any other CD I have listened to before.

Overall, a very well done CD, from packaging, to sound, content etc. As this is the first CD Review done by CTMS, I don't have a rating system yet - and decided I am not going to have one! What I said above is what I think - decide for yourself! I am happy to have the CD in my collection, and will listen to it often enough. Now, I must just see these guys live! Cannot wait!  I will not say much more, other wise I will spoil it for you - do yourself a favor, and GET it. Where you wonder? Here are the details :

Sewing Legend is available in Cape Town at Revolution Records in Observatory (Lower Main Rd) and at MABU Vinyl in town (off Kloof near the Labia Theatre/City Varsity). The album is also available on iTunes - - and at


Sewing Legend track listing
1. Stumble
2. Black and Blue
3. Wake up the Morning
4. Mary Lou and the Guy
5. Now we're even
6. Head to Toe
7. Tomorrow Day
8. Dark side of the Sun
9. Sounds I've found
10. Jaguar
Sewing Legend was written, produced and recorded by MacGyver Knife; engineered and mixed by Teejay Terblanche and mastered by Rogan Kelsey.
For more on MacGyver Knife:

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

P.H. Fat at The Assembly

by Zel Archer

Chaos broke loose and hands were thrown in the air as Ph Fat, a three piece Bass Rap, group took the stage at Assembly on Saturday 25 June as part of their national World $ucce$$ Tour. Their beats, lyrics and unique dance-jump moves is what makes this group unbelievably successful in Cape Town's underground Rap scene. 

"Everybody get down like Animals", lyrics to one of their songs, basically sums up their main achievement with overcrowded groups and venues. Even technology was shared as sound equipment was taken off the stage and given to the crowd. Little plastic dinosaurs also made an appearance and got great travel experience over the hands of the spectators.
Their performance was shared with artists such as Sibot and Felix Laband, who "ate people's brains out with their sick beats", as a crowd member shared. Expect a couple of days recovery after this mind boggling performance

All photos by Zel Archer

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Ashtray Electric Album Launch in Assembly

Article by Vicky Jankiewicz ( @Vicky_JKWICZ )

It was time to see what the Ashtray boys were up to, and Harrington street was packed with cars when we got to Assembly.  Doors opened at 8pm, and if you were smart, you could’ve gotten tickets on for R40, but you could also buy tickets at the door for R50.  The venue was packed with people who were eager to see what Ashtray had in store for us.  The band is Andre Pienaar on guitar with his amazing vocals, Regardt Nel on bass and backing vox, Rudi Cronje on guitar as well as Rupert Nel on drums.

Their new album, Measured in Falls, is a more serious album than their previous one “Bonjour”, which shows how they have grown – both musically and personally after just three years in the South African music scene.  And no, they have not tried to be like all the ‘other bands’ by incorporating dance and trance and drum and base like other bands feel they have to do in order to fit in with changing times, which is a plus point.  The sexy Ashtray Electric feel that you like, is still what they are about.  If you missed out, you really have to check them out when they play another gig, because kicking yourself now is not good enough. Like all good bands who actually care about their fans, they played some of their older stuff like “Quite Overstared” and “When Sex Becomes a Sport”, not only new stuff that everyone still needs to get used to.  The boys are so talented - it is sometimes hard to believe that you are not listening to the CD, but to the actual live act.  Then you look up, and their presence on stage is something ‘electric’ which drags out your soul and makes you forget for a while where you are and who is around you.

“Release”, which is a bonus track on the album with Gazelle, is the popular track off the album at the moment, which has enjoyed high rotation at various radio stations like 5FM.  The other eleven tracks on the album are lyrically deep buy touching on the concept of truth, deception and manipulation which comes along with it.  According to Pienaar, this is everyday concepts that everyone has to deal with to define who we become and what we want to be.

After the band got off stage, G-Zis took over with their genre of “Belief”.  Alex Fourie and Adriaan Louw started their own DJ-gig, and I might add that this will make you take your dancing shoes out.

Favourite tracks on Measured in Falls are “Here comes the rain again”, “When the Weather Changes” and “I’ll Change”.  The album was well worth the small amount of R110.  The new band merch is pretty sexy too, just like their sound and look.  Check them out, because they have been doing their own thing – and like the lyrics to “Bittersweet Manipulator” go “I don’t need to dance, I’ve got music in my blood”.

Big thanx to Biz Lounge for the pics
Follow Biz Lounge on Twitter - @Biz_Lounge

Link to Ashtray Electric FB page ------ > Ashtray Electric
And Twitter - @AshtrayElectric

Monday, 13 June 2011

Gee Oor - Die nuwe geslag van Afrikaanse Rockers!

Die is Cape Town Music Scene se eerste Afrikaanse artikel, aangesien die band waaroor die post gaan, Afrikaans is en geen beter manier om dit te doen, as oor die nuwe manne wat groot naam maak, naamlik Gee Oor. 

Hierdie is 'n band wat Cape Town Music Scene voel nog groot dinge gaan bereik! Hou hulle dop! Gaan gerus na hulle Facebook Page om van die musiek te hoor - Gee Oor

Barry en Johan kom van skooldae af al saam en het saam met ander vriende in ‘n band gespeel op skool. Na skool het almal hulle eie paadjies gevat, maar die twee het gebrand om nog musiek te maak. Barry en Sid het op Stellenbos ontmoet waar hulle ontdek het dat hulle altwee hierdie passie vir musiek deel en het ook so vriende geraak. Einde 2009 het Johan, Barry en Sid besluit om ernstig te begin musiek maak en het hulle na die 4de member vir die band begin soek. Dit is waar Wilbri by Gee Oor aangelsuit het, nadat Johan en Barry eintlik Wilbri se broer, Heino, genader het. Johan wat eers bass gespeel het, het toe sy plek agter rhythm kitaar in geneem en is net ‘n mikrofoon in die hand gestop. Barry het begin om riffs te skryf op lead guitar, Sid het dit uitgekap op die dromme en Wilbri het die band se klank voltooi met sy base en vocals.

Waar kom die naam dan nou vandaan? Gee Oor beteken om te luister. Vandag praat mense baie makliker as om te luister. Met sosiale netwerke soos Facebook en Twitter en gesels netwerke soos Mixit, Wats App en BBM is dit so veel makliker om jou stem dik te maak, maar baie min mense luister werklik. Met die naam nooi ons mense uit om te sit en net bietjie in te neem.

Gee oor is 'n Afrikaanse rock band, met n punk invloed, van Bellville wat bekend is vir hulle hoë spronge en energie belaaide vertonings. Elke vertoning verander die skare in bewonderaars en lank na die musiek stil is, wil die skare nog hê. Gee Oor is meer as ‘n band, dis ‘n leefstyl. Die vier manne se postiewe houding tot die lewe word gevoel in hulle up-beat musiek en ongewone lirieke. Deur middle van hulle musiek is Gee Oor oppad na ‘n revolusie om die gedagte patrone van Suid Afrika te skuif en ongelykheid en armoede te veg.  Gee Oor het vroeg in 2011 hulle debut EP opgeneem en beplan om teen einde 2011 hulle eertse vol lengte album op die been te hê.

Daar waar musiek gemaak word is Gee Oor. “Ons hou van Rock&Roll… so dans saam!”

Die band bestaan uit

Johan Louw (21) Lead vocals & Rhythm Guitar
Barrry-John Gouws (22) Lead Guitar
Sidharta Philander (23) Dromme
Wilbri Voster (18) Bass em Vocals

Johan, Barry en Sid swot nog en Wilbri is 5de jaar by Tygerberg (Hoërskool).
Barry en Sid swot albei ingeneurswese. Barry doen meganies en Sid chemiese.
Johan kan ook bass en keybord speel en skryf meeste van Gee Oor se lirieke.
Barry geniet paintball en gym en Wilbri speel hokkie.
Wilbri ry ‘n rooi volla.
Johan is ‘n agent vir Herbalife.
Sid kom van Caledon af.
All die members is single.

Gee Oor  beskryf die volgende oomblikke as van hulle belangrikste / gunsteling oomblikke sover :

  • Een van die hoogte punte van Gee Oor is definitief Vlakvarkgat Rock Fees van Oktober 2010. Daar het Gee Oor die geleentheid gekry om met bands soos Seisoen na Somer en Baarmoeder Gevoel te speel en na die tyd te kuier. Van Coke Kartel het ook daardie aand by die fees op getree.

  • By Leonz pub in montagy gardens het meerderheid van die crowd vir Gee Oor kom ondersteun. Die band het ‘n uitstekende performance gegee en hulle het baie gespring en die energie van die musiek het baie sterk deur gekom. Op ‘n stadium tydens die set het daar ‘n breuk gekom in die liedjie “Oorlog” . Johan, Barry en Wilbri het gelyk gespring… Sid het net gesien hoe sy drum kit voorentoe beweeg en die volgende oomblik was daar ‘n gat in die stage. Die band het dit reg gekry om actually die stage te breek.

  • Gee oor het in Maart 2011 weer by Aandklas gespeel. Ontwetend het ‘n maties fotograaf die show by gewoon en ‘n week later was ons foto in My Matie, ‘n baie mooi foto waar johan hoog in die lug spring. Die My Matie het Gee Oor beskryf as”… powerfull stage presence.”

  • Gee Oor het vir die eerste keer in Maart 2011 by Nameless Pub gespeel. Ons het daar aan gekom en die plek het maar redelik stil gelyk en ons was nie ongelooflik amped vir die gig nie. Die eerste band het gespeel en min mense het die koue trotseer om te kom kyk hoe hulle speel. Ons was die laaste band vir die aand gewees en het maar min verwagtinge gehad. Ons het begin jam op stage en maar net onsself geniet. Toe ons weer kyk was daar ‘n crowd mense wat buite gestaan het en ons ondersteun het. ‘n Redelike paar mense het na die show na ons toe gekom om meer ons musiek uit te vind en vir ons gesê dat hulle baie gehou het van wat hulle hoor. Dit is altyd ‘n fantastiese gevoel as mens by ‘n onbekende plek speel en die crowd ‘n gamble is… want as dit goed uitdraai dan weet jy, jy doeniets reg.

Die band het die volgende te sê oor die music scene : 
Die music scene is tough. Daar is baie bands daarbuite en ‘n groot meerderheid van die mense wat Suid Afrikaanse musiek ondersteun wil net na waar die “groot” bands speel. Aan die anderkant is daar wel redelike hoevelheid mense wat minder bekende bands ondersteun en na shows toe kom.
Gee Oor het fantastiese fans en daar is altyd ‘n groep wat ons ondersteuners. Die crowd maak elke vertoning net besonders en gee die band energie om ekstra te perform. 

Oor musiek in die algemeen : 
Musiek is in ons bloed! Dit is in ons, dit is om en dit is iets wat jy nie van een van die band-members kan skei nie. Gee Oor sien musiek as ‘n platform om met ander mense te connect. Vir ons is musiek soos ‘n universal language, want al verstaan jy nie die taal nie kan jy definitief die instrumente en die emosie wat dit oordra aanvoel en geniet.
Musiek laat ons leef! Van in die prac room tot op stage is dit ‘n passie wat jy kan uitleef en deel met ander. Jy kan dit op jou eie geniet, net saam met die band rond joke met nuwe riffs en lirieke of met ‘n hele crowd deel (vreemd of bekend). Die stage is soos Gee Oor se play ground waar hulle net kan fun hê en die fun met ander deel.

Hulle eie persoonlike musiek smaak, en wat hulle beinvloed as band : 
Johan: Straatligkinders, Relient K, Switchfoot, Mumford and Sons, Foto na Dans
Barry: Red Hot Chili Pepers, The Killers, Relient K, Foo Fighters
Sid: hou baie van heavy metal en rock
Wilbri: Muse, Foto na Dans, Alterbridge
Band: Straatlig Kinders. 30 Seconds to Mars, Muse, As I lay dying, Foo Fighters

Cape Town Music Scene voel ook dat hulle manager, Heike Victor, 'n shout-out moet kry vir die great werk wat sy vir die band doen!


MANAGER:   Heike Victor
084 832 9576

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Win Tickets to events at The Assembly!

The Assembly is giving away two sets of double tickets for tomorrow's (Wednesday night, 8/6/2011) event, as well as two sets of double tickets for Friday's (10/6/2011) event. To win the tickets, simply follow the instructions at the end of this post....

Here is what is happening at The Assembly this week.....

TUESDAY 7 JUNE : Pecha Kucha Cape Town #13

Doors open at 7PM | Free

Pecha Kucha nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts, photographs - just about anything really. Drawing its name from the Japanese phrase for the sound of 'chit chat', it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea - 20x20 - twenty images in twenty seconds. It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.!/event.php?eid=219070661450471

WEDNESDAY 8 JUNE : See You Next Wednesday ft. Stone-Age Citizens

Doors open at 8PM | R10 girls | R20 boys

If you haven't checked out See You Next Wednesday yet, what are you waiting for? Cape Town's freshest student night, every Wednesday at The Assembly. We got cheap drinks, good music, and ridiculously low door prices - and this week AAA students get in free before 10:30! It's all eyes on the Stone-Age Citizens as the S.Y.N.W. resident DJs hold down the house with the help Grime House, Idioteque and Damage Inc.!/event.php?eid=188907701158029

FRIDAY 10 JUNE : Discotheque with Kennedy, Battle Beyond the Stars, Richard the Third & And Drop! (USA)

Doors open at 9PM | Ladies free before 10PM | R30 before 9:45 | R50 After

Discotheque presents another awesome night of electro entertainment at The Assembly, courtesy of DJs Kennedy, Battle Beyond the Stars, And Drop! (USA), Richard the Third, Nastie Ed, Monique Pascall and George Daniel, plus the Contraband VJs!


SATURDAY 11 JUNE : Ashtray Electric ‘Measured In Falls’ Album Launch

Doors open at 8PM | R40 online presale from Webtickets | R50 at the door

Winner of MK’s Best Newcomer Award 2009 and voted to have the potential to be SA’s next musical export, Ashtray Electric have been leaving their gutsy footprints at venues and festivals nationwide. Now they launch their new album ‘Measured In Falls’ at The Assembly, with support from G-ZIS, Haasbroek vs Tommy Gun and DJ Sideshow. Presented by Jägermeister. Online presale available at Webtickets.!/event.php?eid=115371588550834

To win tickets, simply mail your name and surname, as well as the event you would like tickets to (Wednesday or Friday), to .  For both events, email number #1 and #7 will win a set of dubbel tickets, and will be contacted by the staff of Cape Town Music Scene.