Friday, 2 December 2011

3rd World Spectator Interview: Gauteng and more...

Posted by: Ashley Brown

We talk 3rd World Spectator about there tour to Gauteng, who they are, their CD and more

Introduce the members of 3rd World Spectator to the readers.

Peter Crafford - Vocals, Keys, Guitar
Justin Versveld - Lead Guitar
Andre Wentzel - Drums
Louis Kuhn - Bass, Backing vocals

3rd World Spectator’s CD is hitting shops nationwide, what can we expect from this CD?

Yes, it’s been a working progress for the last two years. We were fortunate enough to sign with
Universal Music South Africa, with the help of Benjy Mudie and countless others. As the album
name, The Theory of Everything, implies it isn’t as genre specific as one might expect. You’ll find an
epic piano ballad alongside a progressive rock tune, and then a few alternative pop-rock tunes in
between. Expect anything from epic atmospheric rock to hauntingly beautiful ballads.

Tell us a bit more about the tour through Gauteng and the support you received.

It was the first full-fledged tour that we as a band have been on. We were fortunate enough to
receive a lot of tour support from our label Universal Music, Southern Pulse and our manager Mike
Pocock. Mike helped us out with accommodation and traveling in and around Gauteng and is an
absolute champion.

Which performance on the tour made a lasting impression and why?

We hope to have made an impression at most of the shows on tour, but I think the shows we made
a ‘lasting impression’ at, was at Firkin, Centurion and Arcade Empire. We were very happy with the
sound engineering, and we had awesome crowds of students to perform to.

What band from the tour do you think suites 3rd World Spectator the most to gig with?

All our supporting acts, and bands we supported were great. We really enjoyed Alleen na
Desember, CrashCarBurn and Dance, You’re On Fire to single out acts from the group.

What are 3rd World Spectator’s plans now that you are back in the mother city?

We took a week or two off after tour just to resettle and debrief. We started working on finalizing
the music video structure and concepts with the directing company, Silverlining Pictures. We shot
the video last Tuesday (the 22nd) and we received the final product a week later. We are very happy with the final copy, and would like to give a big thanks to Padraic O’Meara, Renier Ridgeway, their
teams, and everyone else who made it possible.

We played a few shows in and around Cape Town, we actually have one coming up this Saturday at
Purple Turtle in Long Street. We also have a coast tour coming up after Christmas. In the new year
we’ll be playing loads of shows and touring the country in support of the album. Keep a look out on
our Facebook page for more details.

Tell us more of each member's characteristics and what role they play socially.

Peter is the master, yet geek of the band. He collects action figures, comics and works 8 to 5 as a
graphic designer.
Justin is a healthy blend of Keith Richards and Jack Sparrow. Enough said.
Andre is the personification of calmness and is totally zenned out, yet, very sharp and very
Louis is ‘slappin’ da bass’. Let the good times roll. He is also the newest member and youngest asset
to the band.

Do you as band think the new up and coming bands in Cape Town live up to what is expected from
the listeners?

I think the Cape Town scene has entered such an exciting period where we have a diverse selection
of bands happening. You have rockabilly bands and you have world class electro artists. As a
musician you have to up your game continuously to stay relevant, and that is great challenge.

What music do you guys listen to before a gig? Do you have a ritual before getting on stage?

Other than listening to an act that might support us on the night, we don’t really listen to music
before we get on stage. Pete and Louis always do vocal warm-ups, and then the usual tuning of

How do you guys feel about drinking before you get on stage and drinking on stage?

We have nothing against it, we just don’t like to be associated with, or be known as a band who gets
drunk before a performance. Some might consider it as unprofessional or disrespectful to the die-
hard fans, as it is still your job as a performer give 110%.

If you could open for an international band who would it be and why?

There are so many bands we are influenced by, and strive to meet and maybe perform with one day.
It would have to be Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Thrice or 30 Seconds to Mars.

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