Monday, 26 December 2011

Die Groot Gees Rock Fees 6

Posted by: Ashley Brown
Cape Town Music Scene will be giving away a DOUBLE TICKET to Die Groot Gees Rock Fees 6.
To win just comment on this blog post, telling us why you should win! Winner announced Thursday 29 December!

Date: Saturday, December 31, 2011
Time: 11:00am

The line-up will kick off with a band with Van Coke Kartel!

Van Coke Kartel
Die Tuindwergies
New Holland
No One's Arc
Holiday Murray
Loveglove Pyrotechnics
Friendly Lemons
December Streets

Guest Bands:

R70 pre-sold
R80 by deur


  1. I would looooooove a ticket because then you would be saving me from spending my new years eve baby sitting my nieces and this would be the first year that I could actually go to an awesome show!!... It would make my year... And the Kongos show at Arcade is sold out so this would be my only chance to get to see them...

  2. Grooooo0000t gees! Ok so my motivering om hierdie awes0me prys te kan wen is: Ek is 'n seerower wat weens omstandighede ni kon gan toer ht hierdie jaar ni. Ag kom ek wees gou eerlik... GELDJIES! Dit sal mal wees om weer saam met al my mede seerowers te kan Jam op di klanke van Zinkplaat n Tuindwergies by GGRF! AaaaAaarRrrGggGHhhhH! Cheers, oor en uit!

  3. Ek en my meisie kom nou uit amerika uit waar ons vir 6 maande moes luister na terrible us country musiek, ons het hierdie kaartjies dus nodig om weer fees te kan vier saam met ons gunstelling sa bands. Ons is in stilbaai vir die vakansie en dit sal die perfekte manier wees om 2012 'die einde van die wereld' in te lyf!

    Rock on Cape Town Music Scene!

  4. What about Rock The River this weekend! The best New Year's party around!

  5. What happened to the ticket give away...
